Six friends. All professionals, each uber-active in the affairs of our community. Mutual respect runs high. We are well-read, even across the political spectrum. Yet we are at opposite ends in this election cycle when voting for President. We are a microcosm of why this election is so close. Trump cannot win without the votes of non-MAGA Republicans and Independents. Three are in our group, along with three Democrats. The Independent is a former GOP member who left the party over Trump. This man is a former marine, newsman, and recognized business leader who feels strongly (and correctly) that leadership starts with character, and Trump lacks positive character attributes. Among the Democrats, one is a former independent so outraged by the GOP supporting Trump two election cycles before that she became a Democrat. That’s me. Admittedly, I have always leaned democratic (while voting…
Debunking three myths about immigration to the US
Immigration is a top issue in voters’ minds. I want to share some facts about immigration so that we can all be more informed voters. As business leaders, work force trends matter, and immigration helps drive these trends. Deficits also concern us. Did you know that the US Congressional Budget Act predicts the 2021-2026 immigrant population is expected to pay close to a trillion dollars more in taxes than consumed in government benefits? Myth: The immigration system is out of control. Truth: Parts, but not all of it, are broken. There are three ways non-residents enter and legally remain as permanent residents of the US. One is the Visa System, which offers lawful permanent residence. Who gets these? There are three subgroups here: First are immediate relatives of US citizens. There is no limit on the number of spouses, minor unmarried children, and…
Effective policy demands flexibility that politicians lack
Our two political parties each champion a set of recommended economic policies. For the GOP, tax cuts are always helpful. For the Democrats, not so much—but government spending can solve a lot of problems. As an economist, the rigidity of political views – not just among the politicians but their distinct tribes of voters – dismays me. Why? Because different contexts demand different solutions. In early 2009, Captain Sullenberger went against traditional thinking when he safely landed an Airbus A320 on the Hudson Bay after it hit a flock of birds, cutting off all engine power. He didn’t follow standard procedures because he and co-pilot, Jeffrey Skiles, recognized the uniqueness of the situation. An economy is a far more complex system than a plane and its interaction with air. With any complex system, physics proves that starting conditions matter for what you do…
Profits at what price?
Profits at what price? Pfizer had two choices when it discovered that each vial of its vaccine held six rather than five doses. One was to push the FDA to declare a vial contains six doses. With this decision, Pfizer would make more money. Because it gets paid for each dose, each vial could now be priced twenty-percent above the agreed-to purchase price. The premium would all drop to Pfizer’s bottom line. The alternative was to remember the original price met or beat Pfizer’s expected return rate, which would be huge given the quantity of vaccinations involved. Producing a vaccine for an unpredicted global pandemic is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a pharma company. The extra dose could be a contribution, helping nations vaccinate more people than they had planned. Pfizer’s leadership team decided on the FDA route, choosing higher profits over societal benefits….
What is the opposite of leadership?
After the final episode of The West Wing aired, my brother in Texas called me asking, “Are you crying?” “Yes.” “Me, too,” he added. We had both enjoyed the TV show about an imaginary President of the United States of America fighting for righteous causes. It says a lot about our nation that the next TV series about a President — Scandal — showcased an administration characterized by deceit and trickery. My heroes have always been the men and women who shaped our nation from its birth. They are the courageous individuals, who, despite the odds, helped turn the nation’s arc in the right direction. John Lewis, Lincoln, Dr. King, and the Suffragettes are just a few. Heroes are leaders in my book – recognizing what needs to be done and stepping into the fray to get it done. Some lead from behind,…
Build ??? Back Better
With a COVID vaccine in sight, economic recovery in 2021 is a reasonable expectation. But is there a way to build a better economy, not merely a larger one? It is a promise of the incoming Biden administration. Some elements economists would include in creating a better economy are listed below. Raise the standard of living for non-college-educated workers. It’s fallen by a lot. The result is worsening health statistics and growing family food insecurity, issues that existed even before the pandemic. Raising the minimum wage, rural development strategies and investments, and more affordable healthcare and housing are critical strategies for accomplishing this objective. Democrats propose changes to the tax system as the best way to achieve this aim. CEOs like Mark Benioff of Salesforce, on the other hand, argue that business and job creation is a better strategy, and there is truth…
We need more not less diversity training
President Trump has ordered Federal Agencies and their contractors (i.e., a significant percentage of American businesses) to halt diversity training that builds from Critical Race Theory. Words you are likely familiar with – such as unconscious bias – emerge from this theory, which argues that racism is ingrained in American society’s fabric and system, not merely in individual people. This system better explains societal outcomes than does individual behavior. Business is rightfully pushing back against Trump’s order, as efforts to encourage diversity and welcoming cultures have led to more successful talent attraction and retention and more innovative cultures. Trump’s action aims to appeal to his political base, and while it may be right politically, it is wrong on other levels. To understand, I encourage you to read Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. In the book, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Isabel Wilkerson comments: “Caste…
You cannot manage your way out of a paradox
I’ve been thinking lately about how to balance two opposing goals. One is keeping our economy open so that we avoid a deep recession. The second is containing the COVID-19 Pandemic. Companies have these kinds of seemingly opposing conflicts. A decade ago, British Petroleum was balancing the need to increase oil production (through drilling at sea) with the need to protect water and workers. More recently, Boeing was balancing the need to get the 737Max to market at an attractive overall cost against the safety needs of travelers. In the early 2000s, the Boards of Directors of US banks wanted higher stock prices through growth in assets without depleting capital. We all know these balancing acts went awry because leaders pushed one goal at the expense of another, leading to major crises. Further, the solutions to these imbalances were all costly. Pushing up…
How to avoid reckless cost-cutting
The pandemic is forcing many companies to cut expenses. Many business crises require tightening the belt. But if you must cut costs, do so in the context of specific aims and criteria beyond helping the bottom line. Otherwise, you’ve reduced your future competitiveness. Case in point. Kraft. Kraft split itself into two businesses in 2012, one an international snack and confection foods company (Mondelēz International, Inc.) and the other (retaining the Kraft brand) the North American grocery item business, consisting of cheese, Oscar Mayer deli meats, etc. In 2015, Heinz acquired Kraft. Kraft Heinz’s share value has dropped by more than half since the merger. One would think that the synergies between the two grocery-channel based businesses would lead to rising value. What happened? The answer is simple. Kraft Heinz cut costs, then cut costs, then cut costs yet again in an attempt…
We need leadership, not more hubris.
We have many words for leadership, a trait desperately needed to surface solutions to today’s multiple crises: the pandemic, climate change, economic recession, inequality, and social unrest. We also need leadership to rally people around whatever solutions eventually arise. The opposite of leadership, to me, is hubris, and we are observing way too much of it during today’s crises. Hubris is an arrogance, a bold audacity, an overblown impression of one’s own importance. Hubris is also the opposite of respectfulness, which is at the heart of effective leadership. Respectfulness-in-action is challenging another’s behaviors but not making assumptions about the underlying motives. So is seeing the value in every human, from janitor to Board Chair, from the asylum seeker to the esteemed citizen, and acting in support of each person’s worth. Successful leaders tell the truth, as the respect of others demands we are…