It’s gotten harder and harder to succeed in business for a long list of reasons that, like gravity, pull leaders into a short-term focus. Our planning deceives us into thinking we’re being strategic when in reality we’re just working at different degrees of tactical. The end result is that we’re too often operationally terrific and strategically shortsighted.
Are you ready to unearth an exciting new growth strategy versus incremental improvements to today’s business? If so, you’re ready for business model innovation.
My blog uses the lens of business model innovation to help you radically rethink what your business is all about in order to see previously hidden growth opportunities. Together, our conversation will help you create the mindset, mental-wandering, strategic thinking and knowledge that produces better growth strategy decisions and faster execution.
Every organization has a business model whether or not leaders articulate it. The business model carves out where you’ll compete, how you’ll win and why there are profits to be earned in these market spaces.
If you leave these core strategy decisions undefined, you end up competing where everyone else in your industry competes, on the same terms, a surefire recipe for lose-lose price battles. Surely you didn’t go into business to fight losing battles.
Business model innovation creates changes in where you compete, how you win and your profit drivers – changes that are hard for competitors to replicate. Are you ready for greater success?
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