The following quote (courtesy of a blog post by Esther Dyson, savvy internet investor) should be posted on billboards next to every large company, especially in Japan where once-great electronics giants face the Herculean challenge of reversing an accelerating decline. “Without order, planning, predictability, central control, accountancy, instructions to underlings, obedience, discipline — without these things nothing fruitful can happen, because everything disintegrates. And yet — without the magnanimity of disorder, the happy abandon, the entrepreneurship venturing into the unknown and incalculable, without the risk and the gamble, the creative imagination rushing in where angels fear to tread — without this, life is a mockery and a disgrace.” ~ E. F. Schumacher, Small is Beautiful Chico Harlan’s recent Washington Post column describes the “free fall” that Sony, Sharp, Panasonic and Toshiba are experiencing. They “once controlled the industry, outclassing and outselling their U.S….